FUTURE VIETNAM-EU FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (VIETNAM-EU FTA): AN ANALYSIS OF TRADE CREATION AND TRADE DIVERSION EFFECTS Tạp chí KTĐN số 72 Previous Article This paper studies the effects of agglomeration economies on the location choices by foreign firms in Vietnam. By using a large dataset that provides detailed information about individual firms, the study examines the location choices by 737 newly created Next Article TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTIONS IN SMALL PRODUCERS’ CLUSTERS: CASE STUDIES OF CRAFT VILLAGES IN NORTHERN VIETNAM FUTURE VIETNAM-EU FREE TRADE AGREEMENT (VIETNAM-EU FTA): AN ANALYSIS OF TRADE CREATION AND TRADE DIVERSION EFFECTS Previous Article This paper studies the effects of agglomeration economies on the location choices by foreign firms in Vietnam. By using a large dataset that provides detailed information about individual firms, the study examines the location choices by 737 newly created Next Article TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTIONS IN SMALL PRODUCERS’ CLUSTERS: CASE STUDIES OF CRAFT VILLAGES IN NORTHERN VIETNAM